More About Me
Since leaving the UK in my mid-20s, I’ve lived in Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kenya, and Switzerland, and my children have grown up and attended international schools in these countries. Before training as a counsellor, I worked in primary health care in the humanitarian world for many years.
I’m happy to be working as a counsellor now with much life experience to draw on as well as my professional training and ongoing support supervision. I’m confident in my capacity to hold whatever you want to share with me.
I’ve also experienced needing counselling for myself and finding huge support and transformation from my own therapy, including from personal work with the approaches I now use in my practice.
My Counselling Approach
Values that I bring to my work include heartfulness, curiosity, collaboration and safety. What you won’t get from me is judgement or unsolicited interpretation of your life experiences.
I use a number of counselling approaches, but increasingly the Neuro Affective Relational Model (NARM) and Internal Family Systems (IFS) are my main ways of looking at the difficulties that show up in our lives.
Both models are based on an understanding that life experiences, and especially early experiences, are at the root of most of the patterns and symptoms people experience as adolescents, young adults and adults.
These experiences show up in thoughts, beliefs, emotions, relationships, behaviours or in our bodies. They can result in debilitating shame and guilt, low self-esteem, chronic self-judgment, racing thoughts, and in other problematic ways.
I aim to accompany you as you transform the old life patterns, that have been disconnecting you from yourself and others, into new ones that support connection and life energy, and get you closer to having what you most want for yourself and in your life.
My commitment on diversity
I am a cisgender, white, heterosexual woman open to working with anyone for whom my skills can ethically serve, regardless of ability, size, race, gender, sexual orientation, or religious identity. All my work is rooted in person-centred, harm reduction and strengths-based frameworks.
My Professional Profile
I have an MA in Psychosocial Counselling from Webster University, Geneva.
I am a certified NARM master therapist and Level 2 Internal Family Systems therapist.
I have specialist psychosexual counselling training.
I am certified in parent-child therapy by the Institute for the Arts in Therapy and Education, London.
I am a member of the Swiss Association for Counselling (SGfB) and the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (MBACP).